As someone who is still relatively new to the Apple world and using their products, I can say that I am quite pleased with my experience so far, but there is one feature that stops me from loving it completely. Within the past two months I have upgraded my old phone to an iPhone, and I upgraded my old 17” HP laptop to a nice new MacBook Pro both of which have been great, but while I was in the process of setting up my new iPhone and customizing it to my liking I realized that Apple’s view of “customization” only goes so far.
I’m sure everyone is aware of certain apps on the iPhone such as Stocks, Mail and Notes but did you know that these apps cannot be deleted, even if you’re not ever going to use them! Since I can’t delete all of these useless apps I have to shove them all into an appropriately titled folder and stick it in the dock just so I don’t ever have to see them again. Wouldn’t it be better and more simple to just let me delete them?
I also ran into this problem on my Macbook Pro as well. Again I was trying to delete completely useless applications such as Stickies and TextEdit when this message popped up
You mean to tell me that Apple’s brand new operating system NEEDS Stickies to operate! Sorry, Apple but I’m not buying it. Apple is exerting to much control here, if you want to delete an application that is obviously not required you should be able to do so, and if you want it back you should be able to download it from the App Store since it is included in iLife ’11 and iOS 5. Loosen up Apple, and take a hint from Android.